GET IN TOUCH with exterior house cleaning experts
For consultation, advice or any exterior home cleaning services don't hesitate to contact us! Now is your chance to speak with roof cleaning and demossing experts and we're always happy and pleased to serve new customers. If you're looking for work or a job as a roof cleaner, window washer or gutter cleaner then email us your resume. Our team is constantly growing thanks to the diligent citizens of Nanaimo who know how important it is to keep their roof clean. If you want to ask us about how to clean moss off roof then now's your chance. Contact a trusted professional in the cleaning business today. Our crew of workers and contractors serves Nanaimo BC and all surrounding areas like Port Alberni with the best full perimeter exterior house cleaning you can find on Vancouver Island. Ask us about scheduling a yearly roof washing service. We do that for close to a dozen families already and our cleaning service actually saves them more money than what our services cost down the road. Moss men and women are here to take your call!